Education and Training

Draft document: Education and Training
Submitted by Stephen Evans, Northampton General Hospital
Commenting as an individual

I have been involved in our Department of Health e-learning training programmes for the NHS called e-Learning for Healthcare. I was termed the Clinical Lead for a project called e-IRMER which looks at providing the training competencies for duty holder (referrers, operators and practitioners) under the UK Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 (Amended 2006). The project was aiming to provide training for all healthcare and other associated workers involved in the provision of medical exposures. I therefore was extremely pleased with your report. Your report tables the training requirements for different staff groups together with the level of training, high, medium, low. This was extremely similar to the early approach adopted by e-IRMER. However, we realised that this system was difficult and inefficient/costly to adopt for various reasons and instead we opted to split the sessions into parts rather than levels. The parts identified (1, 2, 3) were targeted to the requirements commensurate with referrers, operators and practitioners (although not explicitly). These parts avoided duplication and allowed for example an operator to select parts 1, 2 and 3 if required. This is a simplistic overview of e-IRMER and if you would like a detailed breakdown of the sessions and pathways for different staff groups I would be happy to assist. For some more information on the project please visit Please note: the DH is undergoing an internal review of the programmes at the current time.
